I have been in love with this butter ever since it came out. Thank God this came out.
I am a butterholic, at least I used to be. I have since changed a lot of my bad habits. We all used to joke about the fact that my potatos were bright yellow, all runny because there was so much butter in it. Yummy! But I also started having problems.
I have had heart flutters since I was at least 16. Noticed them the first time while running in gym class. I also had asthma at the time. I told my mom and she said that I was too young to have that kind of problem, so she basically ignored me. As the years went on, they got more frequent, and more frequent, until they happened a couple times every day with shortness of breath. I got really concerned. I heard that caffeine can cause this, so I eased up on the caffeine. I didn't have them as often, but I was still having them weekly.
So I found out about this new butter that is supposed to be good for your heart. I even heard Paul Harvey talk about it on the radio and thought I would try it. Why not? It's not even expensive. I buy 2 small tubs of smart balance for 1.97 at my store. Anyway, I must have done something right because I have virtually have no heart flutters at all now. I'm not even sure what heart flutters even mean and I have never taken medication for it, but if I needed it before, I don't seem to need it now. So, It doesn't hurt to try it, even if you aren't having any chest problems like me. Seems to be good for you. You can find it at Wal-Mart, Commissary's, and probably about any other major chain. I will never buy regular butter again.
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