I bought some low fat bread and roast beef along with some swiss cheese and lettuce and am going to be making sandwiches, in which I will then cut into little triangles and stick a party favor knife pick in the center of each one to make it look cute :)
I will be limiting my portions, and drinking lots of water (as usual). Also I notice I look so much better when I am well hydrated.
I will not be denying myself any special holiday drinks, although I will not give in to refills! :)
I won't deny myself anything this holiday, the important thing is just to remember portion control.
So, what's your holiday plan?
Hey Tricia
Wow amazing you've lost weight plus you have gazillions of blogs under your belt :)
thanks for dropping by my blog
well, it's the holiday season and I tend to overindulge :P so ok, i will remember, to eat in portions and not everything that looks tantalizing
do keep in touch and merry christmas to you
Kudos on the weight loss!
To answer your question, my eating/exercise plan for the holidays was to (1) eat what I wanted in moderation, to feel satified but also avoid feeling guilty! (2) run 3 times a week.
Since for most people, it's unrealistic to expect to lose weight during one of the biggest "food holidays" of the year, I decided to instead try to minimize the damage by eating sweets & treats in moderation, while keeping up the exercise. This way, if I did gain weight, it'd be minimal "damage" -- i.e., 1/2 a pound instead of 5 lbs! ;-)
So far my plan is working quite well! (We celebrated the holidays early with my fiance's family this year, so I'm mostly finished with my holiday eating & can now get back to focusing on fitness & reducing my overall body fat percentage.
I'm a big believer in moderation in one's diet & in one's exercise. On that note, you might like my two health-related blogs:
See Corey Run (http://seecoreyrun.blogspot.com), which offers running/fitness/strength-training tips & sound nutritional advice
Cooking With Corey - my healthy gourmet cooking blog, which contains original recipes & reviews (of restaurants, kitchen gadgets), as well as cooking tips, etc.
Happy Holidays & keep up the great work!
Whoops, I forgot to list the URL for my cooking/recipe blog:
Cook. Eat. Drink. Blog. (http://cookingwithcorey.blogspot.com)
Sounds like you have the right idea with regard to your holiday eating plan!
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