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Monday, December 10, 2007

Slowly but Surely...

I find myself holding steady at 122 pounds. I am still eating healthy, and try never to skip out on my raisin bran, eating it sometimes twice a day. Why do I eat so much raisin bran? my question to you would be, "Why stop something when it's working so well?" Granted, I am not losing 5 pounds a week anymore, but if I did, I would wither away to bones, and that is NOT my goal.

Really, I have already reached and surpassed my goal, and I couldn't be more happy with 122 pounds reading on the scale.

When I started my diet, I was at my highest weight (without being pregnant) at 141 pounds. So if I did the math correctly, I have so far lost 19 pounds. Woohooo!

So, make sure you read my past blog posts where I have listed everything I did to lose this stubborn weight, and good luck to you!

Oh, and by the way, another goal of mine has been reached... I weigh less than my 17 year old sister. :)

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