With my first child I exercised a lot, I didn't have a car and craved healthy food so I was back in my prepregnancy clothes 1 week after my son's birth. So... I guess I thought it would be no problem to lose the weight with my second child... boy was I wrong!
I am really hurt when I think about the fact that no one cared to warn me. Not one person ever said to me that it was harder to lose the baby weight after the second child. Not one. Maybe they were jealous I was so thin and they wanted to see me get fat???
Well, my second child made me crave fat, fat, fat. I craved Pizza Hut pizza like it was nobodys business, chicken, and etc. I quickly went from 119 size 3 to around 165 at the day of delivery (the weight is approximate because I tried not to look at the scale, I knew I got bigger than I had ever been before) and then of course, I had to block the number from my memory so I wouldn't get depressed and tell my husband "don't look don't look!"
I just kept thinking... it's all baby, right? I'll lose it all in a few hours. It didn't happen like that as I'm sure you know, but I did look a lot better... healthier, but I was a new size 13 when I got out of the hospital. Depressing number for someone who has been thin all of their life.
I still thought I could lose the weight, but I had to go back to work early because my boss would not leave me alone, so therefore I had to stop breastfeeding.... aaaahhh!!!! It was not going well. My boss started commenting that I was bigger than her, etc. I did not like the new me. I was proud of myself when I got down to about 137-140, but that is still too much for my small frame, yet I had hit a plateau and was not losing anymore.
... now 3 years later, I had finally had it. I went to the doctor for back pain and I weighed in at 141. AAAAAHHHHH! I gained weight??!! I thought my pants had seriously just shrank in the dryer. That is not gonna work for me. And I just made a very determined decision that from that day on, it was coming off, no more love handles, I was finally determined enough to do something about it.
My Diet Secrets
The first thing I did was bought a George Foreman Grill. IT IS A MUST HAVE!!!! drains all that fat away. I use it everyday now! Your meal only takes 9 minutes to cook so if you need to cook something else for the family, it's not an inconvenience to cook your food separately.

What did I cook on it??? Well, the first 2 weeks of my diet were very strict. I ate grilled chicken on my George Foreman Grill, with some salad (no dressing or any other additive), LOTS and LOTS of WATERMELON. Watermelon is my favorite for my diet because it consists mostly of water, low calorie, and ULTRA filling. Another good one is canteloupe. But everytime I felt hungry or was having cravings I would eat watermelon and I was fine. I also cut out all soda, juice, etc. It was WATER, WATER, WATER for the first 2 weeks. After my first 2 weeks dieting intensly, I had by then gotten myself under control and included meats in my diet once again, I just made sure I made healthier choices, like now when I buy beef I buy the LEANEST possible. If you buy the rolls of beef in the meat section, it will say 97/3 on it. Meaning it is 97% fat free. Cool stuff. then my grill cooks off the remaining 3%.
Another important thing I did was I started eating (and still do) Raisin Bran. It is loaded with fiber and aids you in losing your weight, it is also good to clean out your system. I also measured every meal, except for the watermelon. I had as much of that as I wanted to. :)
I also went on that diet pill Nanoslim for 2 weeks. It seemed to curb my appetite to where I never felt hungry, and my stomach never growled as long as I took it, but If i missed a dose... boy could I tell. I am telling you this because I don't think it advertises on it's package that it does that, but it did for me. Also, unlike other diet pills like hydroxycut, etc, it did not get my heart racing. You can absolutely not tell you took anything when you take Nanoslim. It is also really small and you only take one a day. That is why I bought it (also it was on sale :)
I also learned that we eat things many times that TELL our body to store fat. Case in point: SUGAR, I'm talking the Sodium content in products. You will be shocked as I was if you look on the back of what you are consuming and see how much sugar is in there. The more sugar that is in it, the more fat you will retain. Soda is an easy culprit that we are all aware of. I know as well that It is hard to break yourself from caffeine and soda, but guess what? I was an addict and after my diet, it doesn't even appeal to me anymore, and that means a whole lot less empty calories consumed.
I have come to a plateau right now at 125 pounds... but how can I complain about that? I can't. That is what I weighed in high school and I look pretty good now and I brag to everyone. I told one of my friends what I did and then she started asking me for advice! Felt good to think that maybe I can help someone. She is losing her stubborn weight now too. I also recently told my brother and sent him some pictures and now he is motivated to lose his gut too!
Oh, and by the way, that mysterious back pain...vanished when I lost that weight.
I just hope that my story can help others. You can do it. Just please make sure you talk to your doctor first. We have to be healthy and responsible when we are dieting. Good luck to you and I hope this helps.
God Bless
1 comment:
Sunny Sky,
I was 72kilos(158.4lbs) and my height was only 1.53m 10 years back.
I remember I loss 22lbs in 3 weeks eating salad, no dressing but with lemon juice. No rice/carbon. Steam Fish allowed only once a week.
I maintained at around 143lbs for another 4 years.(till 2001)
Knew my hubby in 2001 and I tried loosing weight again.Took Pills and loss 15.4lbs in just 2 months.Then I started execising like crazy, healthy diet, swam and ran for 2.4m almost daily for one whole year.(2001-2002)
Gradually loss weight and maintained at 116.6lbs(2003-2006)
Oct 06,consult Dr again and on pills, loss 11 lbs and maintained for 105.6lbs for few months. Now I've put on weight, about 110lbs and I'm back on my exercise regime!
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